Thursday, October 16, 2008

The baby's here!

Sorry for my delay in posting ladies but I have joyful news! I gave birth on Sunday to a 13 pound 9.5 ounce baby boy! During the birth little Moses got jammed in the birthing cannal and the doctor wanted to put me to sleep, so he could work on getting Mo out. As I was in the throws of pain, I immediatly said 'please, knock me out!' I am thankful that Ewan was beside me as he was the only rational thinker in the room. He looked me an said "no, this is woman's penance for tempting man, you will deal with the pain as we are told to do." Than he turned to the doctor and said that in no way shape or form am I to be given medication that although Sarah is in pain right now 'this too shall pass' and she will regret it later. Well, 15 minutes later, Mo was born, and although I lost a great amount of blood, I was able to grind wheat for Ewan's bread that night! I was healed!

1 comment:

Prairie Mama said...

I am surprised you were healed, with you lack of trust and all. At least Ewan rescued you from the depths of Hell. However, if you were truly a committed wife, you had plenty of time in labor to get that wheat ground. And why was a doctor there again????