Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Weeeeeell Doggy it has been awhile.

Our baby boy Mo, took to being sick a few weeks back. He had the fever in a bad way. We called for the preacher after is temp was 104.
He told us that Ewan's faith was right in the lord, but I was lacking and if I did not repent that Mo would suffer the consequence. I was troubled because I try to live by the good book. The preacher than told me that he knew of my conversation with another sister and that god was not pleased. I told him that this certain sister's husband hits her something awlful and she should seek help from the big city, as they have all kinds of things I am sure. Preacher than said I should have never have given her ideas about the big city. That a wife belongs to her husband and he see's to her wellfair. That when a husband is disciplining his wife, it is done out of love because she has pitched her tent towards Sodom and Gammorra. "A few whacks on the back and thighs is nothing compared to the eternally ripping and nashing of teeth in the lowest and hottest part of hell, sister Mcgregor. You would do well to remember that." Preacher Kane is right. I repented and 5 days later Mo's fever broke. Halleluegha!

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